Last mile delivery is all about the last foot

Over 99% on-time delivery at a simple and transparent cost.

A couple unboxing toys for their pet sitting in the middle.

A better delivery experience for brands and their customers

Powered by best-in-class logistics, Veho provides next-day and two-day delivery solutions, offering a premium customer experience at a competitive cost.

24/7 live support.

Real-time package updates for brands and customers.

Proprietary routing technology.

Simple and transparent pricing.

4-hour delivery window confirmation and proof of delivery photo.

Crowdsourced network of driver partners.

Why brands love Last Mile Delivery


On-time delivery rate.


satisfaction score.


Increase in customer
lifetime value.


Average reduction in total delivery related refunds.


On-time delivery rate.


satisfaction score.


Increase in customer
lifetime value.


Average reduction in total delivery related refunds.


On-time delivery rate.


Customer satisfaction score.


Increase in customer
lifetime value.


Average reduction in total
delivery related refunds.


On-time delivery rate.


Customer satisfaction score.


Increase in customer
lifetime value.


Average reduction in total
delivery related refunds.

How it works


Brand fulfills order

Shipper directly injects or Veho picks up packages.

Brand factory and truck illustration
Warehouse Illustration

Order gets sorted

After arriving at the Veho sortation center, packages are sorted onto the most efficient routes.


Driver partner picks up route

Veho matches demand for delivery with a crowdsourced network of driver partners.

Veho driver walking to deliver package - Illustration
A female character checking her phone - Illustration

Order is delivered

Veho provides the customer a 4-hour delivery window, live package updates, and photo proof of delivery.

Better delivery creates happier customers

On average, brands working with Veho see higher LTV and repurchase rates, while customers rate their Veho experience as 4.9/5.

A package delivered to customer's doorsteps
A man sitting on a couch checking his phone.
A kid opening a package with his parents.
A package delivered to customer's doorsteps
A man sitting on a couch checking his phone.
A kid opening a package with his parents.

Veho has you covered

Serving over 100 million customers in over 42 markets, Veho goes where your customers are.

Coming Soon

What customers say

“Always very responsive, friendly, communicative and on time with my deliveries”

Renee D

“I love this service! I love that they always take a picture and send it to you, so you know that it’s delivered to the right place!

Katie G

“Perfect and fast deliveries every time and they actually follow instructions when you leave them!”

Jennifer K

“Always on time, everything is always in one piece and the drivers are super friendly!”

Megan G

Let's Veho