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A reflection from our CEO Itamar Zur.

A reflection from our CEO Itamar Zur.

Originally seen in Itamar's LinkedIn post.

Seven years ago we launched Veho as students in business school. I would wake up before dawn to drive delivery routes around beautiful Boston and then hustle to make it to class on time. We would then spend the rest of the day building the business case, the technology and pitching the story to investors.

Most people (and investors in particular) thought this was never going to go anywhere. Some investors kindly advised us to get a real job. But some folks saw something in us, something in Veho and the potential to transform an old industry and bring the customer experience back to the center, and they decided to back us. I will be forever grateful to those individuals. Unfortunately, it didn't work out with the original team and I had to shut the business down.

After business school I moved out of Boston. I was broke, couldn't afford rent, and had moved in with my uncle. I then met Veho’s co-founder Fred Cook, the single most influential person I have met over the course of my career. With Fred, we re-launched Veho in Colorado. And this time, it took off.

Seven years after the first delivery experiments in Boston, Veho and I are coming full circle. This morning, I was back on the road in Boston delivering Veho packages. This was an emotional moment for me.

Veho now operates in 42 markets across the U.S. to reach a population of more than 100 million. We just announced our New England launch with 11 new markets. I have never been more excited about the future.

And as they say - it truly does take a village. My teammates at Veho have been killing it every single day and together we are transforming the world of package delivery by creating exceptional delivery experiences for customers and drivers. And, the best part - we are just getting started!

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